Technology Tips -

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Adding author image in Google search result is super easy with blogspot
Now it's become super easy to add author information and image in Google search result to boost your site wide traffic, once you setup the author related information and your picture then you will see your picture along on Google search result with your profile.

For this - you need to create Google plus profile and  add your good photo, and then verify authoring of your content by associating it with your profile which is mentioned int the below procedure.

Recently I added image to the search result and I am using blogspot blog, it's easy to do few steps are given below. I think you also can setup your image in Google search result easily even if you are using different blogging platform.

If you are using Gmail email address then no issue you can go ahead with it.
  • Make sure you have e mail address on the same domain as
  • Make sure you have all article published on this domain and which can identify you as author.

First verify your email address and visit the site to do it. Your email address will appear in contributor section of Google plus profile. Enter your email address and press verify button from contribution section of Google plus profile.

Syntax of the profile from your site should be like
Anchor tag href ="profile_url" ? rel=author anchor tag close
as a sample you can replace it with your one like :

Google Plus

You can add the above line in your blog head section in this case you will log in blogspot blog get the setting and then click html and you will get your template and get into the head section and copy past the link above.

This procedure is same if you are working with your own domain.
rel attribute of anchor tag is a mandatory to setup your picture in search result it tells Google here is my picture basically. Now it's time for testing.

If you have been through with the steps properly so you can check out the result on the fly.
click to check structured data is displaying in search result - type your URL and press preview button you will see your picture in the result below.

Once you are done with verifying email process from Google plus profile then you can check your picture is appearing in Google search result.