What is SharePoint metadata auto populate

Friday, February 7, 2020

What is SharePoint metadata auto populate

SharePoint can also be used to store list and libraries and save list item and document property's values also known as metadata which is also known as data about data –very powerful technique to use in search query so entire information can be accessed anytime about your items.  Thus creating a powerful search mechanism help you access specific information stored inside your document.

Metadata can also be used for accessing your media files or access assets once you associate them using keyword for browsing. You store files physical files or media files or any asset re so what if if you don’t need to remember media files location or document library so ideally you can define it for all these assets or files so you can access them via keyword that you have defined.

If you are familiar with content type technology which is available in SharePoint by using it anyone can store different information for different files using one document library which is beauty of SharePoint and automatically populate them via metadata.

Why use metadata with Record Center site:

Even when working with record management centre site you have ample room to define or classify data with your records which is traditionally hard to find and organize.
One flavour is to classify your record or even with your invoice you can define additional information about your invoice by adding  into it.

  • Other flavor is to enhance your search by defining it as keyword.
  • Many org and companies when storing document they store it into library.

And further create folder and then folder to store document in this document library- but main problem with this approach is difficult to find your documents from such structure – and if you define it at site level or document level so you can easily find your documents which will be auto populated too.

Why managed metadata so important:

As term employs that managed metadata is a place where you can manage your metadata centrally,
By enabling metadata service you can define managed metadata and termset and utilize them globally.

Don’t get confused with tagging – this technique is basically implementing it at specific list item
As final thought SharePoint provides central term management mechanism, so you can define common set of terms which can be used on entire site level. Once you define it then you can associate them with your list and libraries you also can take full advantage of auto populate metadata sharepoint and configured your portal based on this mechanism.

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