October 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

As you know xml sitemap is a file based on xml tags giving url information of your site to web crawler like googlebot or bing bot etc.
If your site is hosted on web server and ideally you can create xml file using any
 Online xml sitemap generator and you could upload that file in .htaccess file  and that’s it you are done. You are ready with xml sitemap which you have created online and now you have told web crawler that hey my entire list of urls are there uploaded once you crawl browse them and display them to audience based on keywords.
But problem occurs when you are not using complete web server or let’s say you are using free hosting space where you have limited access to web server and actually you can’t upload any .htacess file. There is another way to tell web crawler about your index pages that is atom feed which is supported in blogger.

Submitting xml sitemap to blogger using Google webmaster only:

Ideally you can work with atom.xml or actually you can create that file by specifying its name atom.xml in google webmaster in order to create complete sitemap for blogger– so you don’t need to create any extra xml sitemap from other online sources etc- means where you will see date, time and modified xml tags in it.
So now we are assuming you have created xml sitemap type atom inside your blogger blog and fortunately you are dealing with custom domain as well.

People go somewhere if they want to generate xml sitemap blogger – you don’t need to go somewhere to get xml sitemap and do something with blogger. It’s a process of generating xml site map type atom using Google web master tool.
You are going to configure and create xml sitemap and configure it inside blogger using robot.txt which is used for customized entries-stopping Google to crawl some url.
Why we are using custom robot.txt file- because we don’t want some url to be crawled by Google or we don’t want to keep them in Google index. First you will generate xml sitemap using Google webmaster tool by entering simple atom.xml parameter in Google webmaster tool.

XML SiteMap for Blogger with custom urls:                      
Ideally your output could be one of the following:
http://mctscertification.blogspot.com/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500 blog hosted on blogger
What you have done actually you have added atom.xml parameter using webmaster interface- in the sitemap section and added further parameters for all your blog posts to be indexed like in  the case above- these parameters can be used to index 500 url entries if you have 1000 or more posts entries in your blog so you can add them too – just define start index 501 and so on.
Now you have to test this sitemap too, you will do it in the same section in webmaster tool and you can define some posts that you don’t want to be indexed by Google and copy the entire chunk from there and go back to blogger.
Once you define and test your sitemap in webmaster robot.txt section so you will end up with the following chunk:

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: https://www.sqlservermanagementstudio.net/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500

It's clearly mentioned above that your xml sitemap added as xml with 500 posts on blogger. Now you can add some more post url that you don’t want to be indexed in Disallow section and copy that above snipped and past in the blogger.
You are ready with your xml sitemap for blogger without visiting any other site -only webmaster tool and go to blogger dashboard point to setting and search preferences and past that snipped into this section called custom robot.txt. You are telling Google this is my full xml sitemap crawl and index site and there are some custom url entries.
Hope you enjoyed learning here.