I would like to mention few facts about site provisioning - how it works with Sharepoint and WSS as well.
Please leave any comments if you have any idea about site provisioning.
Site provisioning in sharepoint is the process of creating sites for your audience, but you can do it through administration model that is provided in Sharepoint. Site provisioning is the art of delivering usable sites for user.
Provisioning a single site is easy with WSS -you can create site template which can contains the information of the site to create and finally make it available for users to choose from a provisioning process from a web based provisioning dialog box.
With MOSS2007, instead of site template from which you can create site in WSS – you create a kind of portal site definition file that contains complete hierarchy of site provisioning process.
Here I have mentioned few tasks level in order to work with site provisioning.
Tier one Task:
This level of administration is used for administering server farm, and a tier one administrator must be responsible for creating new web application, you should have ample idea of creating web application why user create web application.
Tier 1 administrator will be responsible for managing site collection, managing incoming email and out going emails settings for the farm and also manage server farm topology.
Tier two Task:
These tasks include administration of share services across server farm.
Tier three Task:
These tasks include administration of functionality for managing sites for within a server farm so administrator should know how many sites has been created in which department.
These types of administrator can create lists, and configure access permission for groups and users and modify site hierarchy.
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Please leave any comments if you have any idea about site provisioning.