Microsoft Certification Exam Learning

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Microsoft Certification Exam Learning

Many developers  go for InfoPath forms when they are collecting information from the employee and archive it on portal server. LET me add one more fact about these forms –InfoPath forms can be stored inside office client application “don’t worry” if you don’t understand this.
You are going to send an email that will go to sales department but you have decided to collect some data from sales department because you have no time to correct typos and all that, so you can create infopath forms to collect data from sales department and that forms could be displayed in outlook email which is quite handy, so when you have designed xml based interface means InfoPath form that could be attached and once attached it could be displayed inside the outlook interface so sales department need not to open attachments – they will just submit the form and send it back to the originator.

And after this activity – all information gathered through InfoPath forms can be archived back into outlook folder, more like inbox folder where you could see entire archive of 10 years with InfoPath forms.

This is not the beginning, with InfoPath form 2007 you can collection data and archive back into the SharePoint forms library. So the data should be available for auditing or for any other task through browser only – this is the magic, InfoPath form could be published in SharePoint document library and can be viewed as per requirements
SharePoint utilize office form service to do this job means very simple you can view infopath forms inside browser because of this service.

If you smart enough to customize Document Information Panel, another strong component to store meta data etc, inside office client application so you can bundle content management solution with InfoPath forms 2007 and SharePoint 2007

What DIP is: (document information panel)

Document Information panel is a form which is displayed within office client application like word excel, PowerPoint. DIP allows user to store Meta data along with document like you are saving invoice sheet in SharePoint library and additionally you can store more information about it using Meta data and document information panel will display all these information inside office client application.

In next post I will come up with more UI session, hope you enjoyed your time here, any thing you need please let us know, we can help you in a better way because we have certified staff on board.

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