April 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A sharing paradise is released now, it's a Google drive people has been hearing this buzz since long before – but now it's released by Google. But after the cloud invention things are getting tough and increasing competition all along. Many Applications in the world are being built for cloud – people are using them from cloud and recently Google has made its appearance in cloud with a fantastic experience of sharing files called Google drive.

We have seen few prominent features including that -it can recognize text from scanned documents this functionality is called OCR(optical character reader) – so if you upload any scanned document on your drive so it will have feature of recognizing text along and can search inside this document. Many file types are supported including adobe files type even Photoshop and illustrator drawing can be upload and view them easily. Yes without installing adobe illustrator you can open its document from Google drive and any pdf file can open using this drive space.

You can store up to 5 gb file for free, and easily sync your desktop folder on cloud space. Another prominent feature is- it can work on mac, windows and androids devices as of now.
There are vendors offering the same services in terms of space and functionality they are lacking somehow – applications are Skydrive, Mozy Stash, Spider Oak, AVGLive Kive etc.

But we found Google drive experience was the fantastic and easy on all devices.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You probably have used dropbox service for managing and storing files on cloud or skydrive from Microsoft for storing files on cloud too, but still there are many vendors motivating to use cloud computing in any form, recently Adobe has made a move to be in cloud and released its creative suite cs6 but you can download it from cloud space which is provided by adobe – number of adobe applications can be downloaded from cloud space and you can also  do content publishing using difference devices like ipad etc.

What you have to do is – download adobe creative suite application on your desktop from its cloud space and these applications will be installed on your desktop as on your subscription taken. But then what is the use of its cloud- so adobe cloud will help you to share your files among colleague or co-workers so finally you could publish your content.
Hope this has cleared a lot of concept of adobe creative suite on cloud.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Microsoft has made a move and released a Skype version for windows phone called Skype for windows phone developed by Skype- can be downloaded from windows marketplace.
You can do conference call using it, you will be having notification on the screen for call in progress, and you also can block any contact if you want to.

Now this application has been enhanced fixed the earlier issues like –now there is no crash inside application, performance issues has been resolved now it’s quite fast, now navigation is very fast and handy- additionally, you can call any free number with 1-800 without any Skype credit.

There are few known issues initially with the application like performance is slow, little navigation issues,.
Some issues yet to be resolved – if your windows phone with Skype is connected with USB code so it will not work and make a phone call.

If you have Blue-tooth with headset so you probably are running out of luck –it does not support it.
If you have setup up alarm or other event included low batter – if you have both symptom so your Skype call will be ended.
But overall- this move from Microsoft probably force users to buy Windows phone because it is supported on it with multi lingual support.
Please comment if you have any new issue with your windows phone.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Search is a mechanism of finding information or large collection of information mostly text or sometime images as well, if you want to search something you type some text probably called unstructured text and you get the refined result down the page- this search mechanism always been an important phase in any application development, whereas it takes time too, Search functionally can be composed of searching text, documents or images or we could say it –"information".

Recently Amazon has released a web based -cloud search service -for anyone to use and it's a bundled search functionality, what you need to do jut little tweaking like upload your data , configure search component, so your user could be entertained once they send search queries, and get the most relevant result as well. So Amazon search service if configured properly – could give full capabilities of finding information without writing code for search complement.

And because this service is given on cloud so you do not need to manage infrastructure for this search service, so amazon cloud search is basically a cloud based service where you do not need to manage its traffic or software packages etc.- just pay for amazon cloud search service and use its management console and configure search component to find relevant result.

You need to configure its search functionality where you set up number of things:
 whether it's  a full text search, or structure data or Boolean search including different fields can be used for search result- and you define these parameter using AWS management console.
Once you completed this process then you just need to upload data as well.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Search is a basic component of today’s world specially when it comes online search in research or in any domain. If you are looking for any book that you want to read you always take Google approach means – you always use Google to find a resource; this is quite common approach by individual who are looking for books online.
There are many researcher out there doing research work and all the time they need to get information from different sources- what if you provide them a single platform that can help them find books from diversified resources so research become more easy handy and useful.

Library cloud is a mechanism for storing metadata –means data about data from different sources like from libraries and museum and other institutions and make such data available to any application that can be used there- and end user like researcher can use such kind of huge data for research purposes.

You need to understand a scenario to understand this service- assume that there are number of libraries available on net and what if all information comes under single umbrella using a web service called librarycloud, that makes pro-grammatically available meta data from diversified sources under single place- you can its API to give such functionality from your interface or website.

Ideally If you are end-user so will probably find different meta-data available under single place and if you are developer so would probably use its API to bundle this functionality in your application or site so anyone or researcher can take full advantage of this service.

Different sources like Harvard, Stanford university can upload their library data to any sit site if that site has bundled this functionality in their website and other researcher will doing research by taking help from that website,

Hope this has cleared a lot about what is librarycloud service there are few other vendors offering the same idea.
You can browse vendor's site and find out more about this services - just google libraryservices or contact us for this kind of idea.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Today’s mobile can do much more beside just file sharing or photo sharing activity, if you browse mobile world you probably will see many application but few of them are quite impressive that can help you share your ideas, content including photos with each others.

Ideally any good application should have easy to use interface for anyone to upload photos etc, recently we just come across with an application that run on android, ios and can just give fascinating experience if you want to share photos or content online using you mobile.

You can post your text , you can share your ideas with friends, if you are listening any music share it with friends, you can also share photos with friends, if you are already using facebook or tweet so path will give you one login and you just have to check-in and done, so using path you post much more on these platform.
It’s more like what you on daily basis and things are being updated with you friends and family.
So why path why not other social platform – what we have seen so far path has a tendency to update content automatically and interface is quite handy. Path has localized feature – if you want to do anything in your own language so probably by the time you will get this done. Path can track you movements and entire experience is very fascinating for people who have been using other social media tools on mobile devices.

Little limitations are there with path photo sharing, you cannot upload video and it has 150 friends limitation, so you can share content with 150 friends currently. It is available on iphone, ipod touch, ipad and it requires iOS 4.3 or later or with android 2.1 or later. If your mobile has android so you probably will run path application.
You can download path directly from path website. And start making friends and sharing your ideas.
Path is fantastic picture application for android.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

You need to understand few other terms in order to understand what is bandwidth limit of blogspot blog, If you are running a small business or mid-size scale, so you probably need to know many terms been used on Internet like traffic of your site, bandwidth etc.
Many hosting companies offering different bandwidth if you have purchased a domain so you would definitely understand the difference of bandwidth of your web page or website.
If you want to download a file from Internet to your computer let’s say that file is 4 mb- and probably it will take 4 mb bandwidth- so traffic basically is a people visiting your site and if there are number of people simultaneously accessing your site – so probably you need more bandwidth to give them a better experience – otherwise all your customer will stick somewhere in downloading those  files and finally they will leave site after spending hours.

What web hosting bandwidth is- basically how your web page or post will be accessed by number of users simultaneously? If you have enough bandwidth then all users will be having very good experience on your site and can view web pages properly.

If you come across with blogging and specially blogging using blogspot blog and after few posts you want to know the bandwidth- so there are number of free blogging platform they probably ask you for extra payment if you access more than the specified bandwidth, but if you are using blogspot blog like we discussed – so there is no bandwidth limit on blogspot blog – so as many posts you create and you can accommodate as many traffic if you have. All users will be experiencing all post simultaneously.

Blogspot blog storage limit:

If you have 100000 visits per day like people are visiting your site per day so your site or blog will not down with such kind huge traffic- so all users will be having great experience –so blogspot has unlimited bandwidth and you are lucky one who are managing blog on blogspot.com

Picassa webalbubum storage limit:

After all those limitation you have many images on your post so there is limit on picassa to store images, whenever you add images in your blog or you templates contains images so if you cross that limit like 1 GB for storing images on picassa, have crossed that so no image will be displayed on your post – and if you want to know total consuming space on picassa so login and check out setting.

  Initially people has been facing such issues in their mobile while typing- they cannot type word properly or somehow they type them so words just jumble upon because of less space available on the mobile keyboard, after times- QWETRY keyboard layout released where everything was done without any absolute hurdle, and now you can see today's mobile devices has half qwerty keyword which is absolutely handy for anyone to use full keyboard easily on small mobile devices. 

You still have much rooms to use full keyboard on your mobile without using QWERTY keyboard layout, or if we say this- typing without looking  is possible -so recently Google has released a Gmail tap -  this is a kind of development  in the keyboard layout, and it's a  binary type keyboard where you have only 2 keys to write entire message.

If you want to know how to work  with two keys which are dot and dash and compose a  complete message, this is not a fantasy – this is reality Google tap is the idea of an application – if installed – will give you 2 keys on your screen –dot and dash and a space bar. With these two keys you can replace entire keyboard 26 keys on your mobile set.

How to type with Gmail Tap:
Basically Gmail tap is a binary language to make different character on your mobile screen.
A • −
If you want to type A on your mobile screen you need to press keys combinations .-

We will published a picture to clear understanding for learning purpose of Gmail TAP about this process and see how keys combination could be pressed

 You need to download gmail tap application which is free and done, you should have android phone or any device have ios like ipad etc- so are probably under the right way to experience it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Just imagine if you are enjoying life with your friends and wanted to capture that movement but do not have camera and wherever you go you need a camera to capture those move, what if you do not carry big camera box and take pictures – is this possible yes- it’s now possible with Google Glass.
Google glass is a project being tested by Google employee probably will be tested by public soon, Google testing a prototype of technology sun-glass that can help you to take or capture movement where you are.
Because that glass has camera fitted at corner, just wear that glass and have fun with taking picture.
This is not just camera to capture movement, but it has camera to record video and it listens command in voice form,  so it has tiny camera fitted in sun-glass corner which is quite fascinating for anyone to watch the world wearing glasses and take pictures if like.
If you are a news reporter in any tv so this innovated technology with built in sun-glass could dramatically help you boost your productivity and focus you to the story instead of taking picture of the story etc.
This glass technology is quite impressive and we hope this will be accepted soon by audience.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

If you really want to know what is latest in adobe – so adobe has recently released a preview 5 for adobe edge tool . If you are using apple safari browser on ios platform in ipad type devices such devices does not support browser plug ins- and as a result people who were using ipad could never see any flash animation in it, because browser need plugin to run flash content. And initially apple ceased flash bundling with ipad device, few other vendors like Microsoft decided not to go with flash and not bundled it with Windows phone 7.
After all this situation Adobe has already decided to launch another product that could run easily on ipad or mobile devices, so they had only technology available using that – Adobe could be able to survive using flash type application that could easily generate animation for html pages and run them easily on any mobile device as well as desktop, so recently Adobe has released a preview version called Adobe edge – a fantastic tools for creating animation that could easily run on ipad or any mobile device.
Why this become easily for Adobe, because they have used HTML5 and CSS3 technologies – these technologies are used to display animation content on any mobile device up till now
.Adobe Edge 5 – been released for review and given much more rich experience for people who have
been using flash for animation, Edge has the same user interface as flash had, you can create keyframes and create different object and animate them easily using timeline.

Different new objects have been added in adobe edge preview five – that will help people to animate object easily and make them available for called ipad or iphone or any mobile mobile device or desktop.
Adobe edge also generate javascript code, one more feature which is publishing has been added in edge 5 that help anyone to compact or optimize code so the final output would be more robust and fast.

Now you can get adobe and download adobe edge from adobe website which is in a preview release – we have made some animation using this tool and found it fantastic for such mobile devices- where you can animate object and make them available on mobile devices. Adobe edge is a html5 tools for animation.