Wednesday, December 18, 2013


If you are assigned a task to reduce the log file size of sql server which is causing some space issues or because of this some other program may be interrupted or not working so you need to understand how log file typically ldf file behave and how its size can be shrunk.
If you want to do any operations on log file before doing that you have understand some other things which are important like recovery model.

What is recovery mode and why should I begin with Recovery Mode in SQL Server?

 Recovery mechanism in SQL Server tells- how log file can be used for recovery in the state of failure – like hardware failure or etc- in other word, from where you want sql server to start recovery.
There are 3 different recovery modes available in sql server
1)    Simple
2)    Full
3)    Bulk- Logged

Simply simple:

As name depicts – simple is for simple recovery – and you're telling SQL server that ok I can go ahead in the form of recovery and recover my data and my org can afford to lose little amount of data- this setting is ideal for test server or staging or development sql server but this is not ideal setting for “SQL Server Production”- how come you can set such rule for your organization that ok I am happy with losing little amount of data and recover from yesterday this kind of  rule is telling such setting for SQL server when you keep recovery mode simple . It’s transaction log duty to tell sql server to recover from where and just forget today.

Simply Full Recovery mode:

Full Recovery Mode tell sql server that you can recover transaction in any point in time – this mode also called point in time recovery – when any mishap happens to your data and because it has to recover from any point of time – so it always write transaction log in log file and that’s a big reason when transaction log file we called it ldf always grow in size.

Ideally you can take log backup as log file that always growing and if you can keep backup of that transaction log area and further you can automate this mechanism with sql server jobs task.
Default setting for recovery database is “Full as anything happens so it recovers transaction from any point in time. That was the reason why people should understand before shrinking log file.
If you are shrinking a ldf file and it causing error so probably you already have set recovery setting as simple so change to Full.

SSMS Shrinking ldf file:

SSMS will help you shrinking ldf file steps are simple as recovery option:
Tap into
Database>>Task>>Shrink >>Files
Select your log file to shrink by the way same steps will be taken if you are shrinking you DB file or mdf. Before doing this you select option and select recovery mode Full and do a shrink.
Shrinking is artistic work actually weather log shrinking or db shrinking.
If you are still having problem in shrinking log file so you execute the following sql statement – they are safe totally.

Shrink ldf log file using SQL Script:

But before that only thing is remaining that is the size of log file or ldf file while shrinking- you need to understand what size of the log file you have and how you want to manage it.
 According to  Microsoft,  there are different virtual log areas inside log file so to keep each and everything simple and safe – you can blindly provide no parameter for target size and “HOW” that will be listed down further.

Analyzing ldf or log file in sql server:

To check how big your log file size is- you run the following commands.
The result you would see after this-
Depicted picture is for informational purpose only - SSMS analyzing occupied space by log /ldf file

This result is telling you the log file size and percentage used by log file which is ldf.
You could see clearly the free space in log file. You have to reduce this file size and accommodate new log to be written. Ideally you can take backup.

You can use the use master command and run alter database statement and see if things are working then great if not and you have seen a error message telling this is not inside the current database. So use the USE command and set your database and then run alter database command

use master;
use master;
DBCC SHRINKFILE(WSS_Content_ssp_log,100)

use WSS_Content_MySite
DBCC SHRINKFILE(WSS_Content_mysite_log,10)

These sql scripts will help anyone who is trying to fix ldf file shrinking issue.

DBCC SHRINKFILE(WSS_Content_ssp_log, 200)
And finally run dbcc shrink command to shrink the log file, and see and analyze the size of the log file which is ldf.
Before running these scripts take log file backup and try flushing the log file - this is how people keep log backup and in this way when log file size increased would be decreased. You need to calculate mb which is occupied by log file and then run dbcc command in the example above - we have rough figure. Let's say you have 10000 mb of log file and 30% of that mb is being used and rest is empty so you can calculate the rest emply and mention that dbcc shrinkfile parameter - like 200 above.

Hope that you have fixed the increased log size issue in SQL server.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Recently I just come across with an error while I was attaching and detaching sql server database so gathered some point for everyone and surely they will help them.
If you are having issues in attaching and detaching sql server databases so there are number of reasons behind it you need to fix and troubleshoot them one by one.
The first step probably that you are detaching the database from sql server when you click on database and tap into task>detach then a dialog box will open saying database name and in the last column you would see a “link message” saying users connected with database so you can ask these users to disconnect from database or you can follow other procedure to disconnect users from the same database by force.
Simple option to disconnect users by force is to click drop connection option from the same dialog and click "ok" this will drop all connected users from database and you can do detaching database.
Another way include you can run scripts for detaching database, and you also can tap into activity monitor utility which is available when you click on sql server node and right click from sql server management studio let the utility load and tap into processes and select your database name and see activity details and  processes by right clicking on the process from there.
 If you are attaching database and facing issues so there are number of steps you can follow:
If you find error like the following:
Error Question:
Error while opening mdf file
there is no editor for “path for your database and file”
 Make sure application for the file type is installed

Error Answer:
The above error says – you have tried opening database file .mdf without SSMS.
Actually mdf file can be browsed when you will attach it to sql server database so you cannot just open it, first you need  to attach this mdf file to database using sql server management studio.

Attaching mdf file to sql server 
Load SQL Server Management Studio> Connect with sql server instance> select database and right click on it> click attach> browse your mdf file and click ok. You are done you would be seeing your database listed when you refresh the database node. 

You may be getting access denied error while opening mdf file.
Attach database failed for server “server name” . (Microsoft.SQLServer.smo)
Unable to open physical file “file location mdf”. Operating system error 5: “5(Access is denied.)”.(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 5120)


Mostly there are permission issues when you are having error while attaching database to SQL server. This error also a permission issue on OS level.

Final and super option to fix this permission issue instead of going through number of other options and trying other credentials you just copy that mdf and ldf file from data folder of sql server to other location and try connecting them from other location , if mdf file is attached so you can copy back the mdf file to its location means data folder which is default folder for all databases by SQL server.

The above practice is based on SSMS 2008 R2.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Facebook is a giant in social network but recently Microsoft has revealed that has been working on a secret Project called So.cl, it’s a social channel by Microsoft like Facebook but Microsoft engineer has been doing work hard to make it a better social platform because this time Microsoft is playing with the master that is Facebook.
You can browse site directly by typing www.so.cl and start posting your status and other content. But Microsoft has decided to expand its audience through launching its application on android phone so it could go to other platform as well.
If you want to browse the site just provide your hotmail credentials or Facebook id if you have that already – no need to create it and that is it for going into it.
Major benefit of using this so.cl is you can create fully dynamic content and feature rich content instantly and share it among friends.
Google also has been penetrating to give a threat to Facebook but people like to spend more time with Facebook instead of other social platform, but this move looking quite impressive because Microsoft research has started this project long ago and they have been testing it among their own employee and now expanding it via mobile app.
You can also post little stories overlying text and images in funky style – they call it picotale.
 Blink feature will help you to create short dynamic media or video. If you are capturing a live event so just record it and post it here whereas Kodu functionality is for kids or a game platform and much more for kids- so you can browse so.cl

Defining Microsoft Social Media as So.cl:

A service by Microsoft penetrating in Social media space just need your hotmail account if you have that desire with hotmail id then you are done with using such a attempted social space may be competing with other Social service like google plus, facebook.
Just use it and tell us your experience.

Monday, December 9, 2013

When you want to upload a video file in flv format but that format is too big and SharePoint is not allowing you to upload that video on you portal so you have some options to fix such issues.
You can convert that video flv or flash video into .wmv format and then try uploading that video on portal when you convert that video into wmv format using tools available there so you would see format is wmv but file size is extremely reduced.
If you want to upload that video using content editor web-part so you can just upload that wmv resource which is reduced file size on your portal but again you might be facing one more issue there,  that video would not be displaying or playing automatically when user would visit your video page.
Actually you want a video player should be there to play that video inside portal when you upload that video using content editor webpart.
Here are few techniques that would help you to upload video from content query web-part easily and this technique would show/display video on portal page and play it accordingly.
You can try copying the following code in content editor web-part in html source area - just edit your sharepoint webpage and modify content editor web-part , you would see text area , from there you can select html code and write the following there:

<object classid="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" width="600" height="400" id="mediaplayer1" title="Win Media Player">
  <param name="FileName" value="http://testserver /English/TS%20Strategy%20English%20ImageFilm2.wmv">
  <param name="AutoStart" value="False">
  <param name="ShowControls" value="False">
  <param name="ShowStatusBar" value="True">
  <param name="ShowDisplay" value="False">
  <param name="AutoRewind" value="False">
  <param name="DisplayBackColor" value="True" />
  <param name="BufferingTime" value="6">
  <embed src= http://testserver /English/TS%20Strategy%20English%20ImageFilm2.wmv" width="500" height="400" autostart="True" type="application/x-mplayer2"
pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/MediaPlayer/" filename=" http://testserver /English/TS%20Strategy%20English%20ImageFilm2.wmv" showcontrols="True" showstatusbar="False" showdisplay="False" autorewind="True" displaybackcolor="True" bufferingtime="6">

Note: Code is written by sqlservermanagementstudio.net

Object tag has classid attribute that is for media player class id so you don’t worry let it be as it is. You can change some other attributes if you want like auto play, buffer time etc.
You need to change the source file in value attribute of object tag.
Finally when you write this code in content editor weppart so you would see video is displaying and playing inside sharepoint portal.
We have assumed this you have uploaded video in sharepoint video library and just referring it here inside object tag.
You can leave any comment if you are having issues in fixing while uploading video in sharepoint using content editor webpart.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

If you are using Facebook text messenger on IOs so you running out of luck because Facebook is testing its new feature on Facebook text messenger so you could reach your friends faster than ever before.
If you want to experience new text messenger feature so you can try it with android phone –and you also be able to use it in October, 2013 with ios.
As you are so familiar with watsapp and when you send any message to you friend it goes directly to your friend’s inbox and get notified when they are online so they get instant notification, idea goes same here using Facebook messenger you can connect with your friends via phone number as well as with your email address.
Another feature in this messenger is its icon which is totally changed with a zigzag arrow in blue color.
And that intimates anyone who is using messenger application and someone is using this messenger from desktop or mobile so the status displays the same icon and changes it accordingly.
You can chat with your friend by adding the phone number of the friend for the first time and change its image as background while chatting with friends.

If you update your existing messenger so instantly you will be able to use these features, and your status on Facebook instantly be converted into mobile or web in green color with your name when you login Facebook.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

If you come across with a situation where you take backup and restore on hard drive that is easily done using SSMS but if it comes to network drive then it might give you tough time all the way.
Backup and restore database is easy activity using sql server management studio you can do it using single click on UI on SSMS or you can create scripts too to create back and restore it on hard drive .
In order to take sql server back up on network drive you can create a mapped drive if you want to create backup on network or restore it on network. But problem comes when you do not have permission to write on a network drive.
You will see error messages all the time while taking sql server backup on network share – reason is your sql server agent which is running under any name account does not have access on network share so either you configure another service account that has permission on network drive or path or you change service account name from services and tap sql server service and tap service account there define new account.

Key sequence to perform backup:

Run  (command)>> Services.msc>>SQL Server Service>> Properties>> Log on>>Account Name

In this account name section you define any account that has access on network where you want to take backup or restore backup.
 By only defining authorized account name you can take backup on network share otherwise you probably end up with the smoke.
So one liner is – your sql server service account needs permission on specified network share in order to to take back up on network drive so define it.

You need sql server service account full permission to access this resource if your service account does not have permission on this resource then you will fail to take back up.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Search giant Google has been experiencing new things all the time and if you press the rewind button so would see Google has discarded Google reader but recently Google has acquired another service or application  called Wavii.
Facebook as social giant is very famous including its news feed service that lets you connect with your friends, but if you look at the people need so user wants something more than this and wants to see content from across the web you can think of something like organizations news, celebrities news could be in a centralized place under one roof.
So actually Wavii can give you content across the board.
What is Wavii:
Wavii basically is the solution for all that problem, it crawls many websites including rss feed and tweet and generate customize content for users which is absolutely fantastic, this idea has been acquired by Google – recently Wavii  has made official statement and said wavii is going to work wit Google.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

After penguin update many organizations trying to cope up with the current situation where their website ranking is suffering, if you have never analyzed your inbound links profile so probably is going to face more worst scenario  in regard to SEO of your site.

This penguin update has affected many small organizations to be on a backstage but now the tends of seo has changed and now you need different approach in regard to SEO.
You can follow the steps given below if you want to understand what is natural link building in regard to enhanced seo, If you have decided to rank high your site so you need some measure to take, one of them is to analyze your anchor text –you can start off with anchor text which we call them Naked Anchor text.

Strongest signal of natural links:
You can browse any online tool to analyze your site and if you see there is no naked URL then you should be curious, Naked anchor text is the root URL entry or any url page referring to your site  for instance:
  • www.sqlservermanagementstudio.net
  • sqlservermanagementstudio.net
  • https://www.sqlservermanagementstudio.net/2013/03/tips-to-imrpove-google-ranking.html
Naked url entries are the strongest signal of natural link building you can analyze such url using any seo tools and check how many URLs are there what percentage it has. If you have more naked url referring to your site as mentioned above is a good signal of your seo strategy.

Branding anchor text:
Includes referring your web site with a branded keyword for instance.
  • sql server management studio
  • SSMS
  • SQLServerManagementStudio.
Mix of anchor text:
This type of anchor text includes some additional word in anchor text for instance.
  • SQL Server info
  • SQL Server tips
Junk link tag:
In seo world if you are referring your site with the keyword like click here, visit site, more so you are calling trouble to your home, so ideally you should avoid this segment while doing seo.
Ideally you can follow the given techniques to enhance your site ranking after penguin.
  • Develop quality content for your site.
  • Use YouTube
  • Post images on social media platform
  • Write guest post

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

There is no design view in SharePoint Designer 2013 only code view is available for you to just insert your code and develop workflow.
If you look back and see what type of IDE SharePoint Designer 2010 had so it was quite easy for people to customize such stuff, user had code view, design view and split view for customization in SharePoint Designer 2010 where as design view and split view have no standing in SharePoint 2013 Microsoft has discarded design view in SPD 2013– this removal including design view and split view affecting people who are editing web parts and master pages in spd 2013.
How you can cope under such circumstances so the solution is- Microsoft says you could use visual studio for such kind of activities means for branding you need to work with VS.

Why SharePoint Designer 2013 does not have Design View:

As you know Microsoft have removed design view from SharePoint Designer 2013 but there is another solution for this problem, Microsoft says – if you want a WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get) editor for branding in SharePoint designer 2013 so you can use expression web and expression design and once done with branding then import that html files into SharePoint 2013 server  using new design manager and further you take it from there.
We have not used data driven control in expression web but you will find data source control in expression web. So people who are feeling that SPD 2013 does not have any design view for data view web part can try expression web where you will find various web parts. Though you can do many things by inserting code in a code view windows in SharePoint Designer 2013 but design view had different features as per power user point of view.

Reasons for Discarding Design view from SPD2013:

Microsoft says- SharePoint Designer 2013 does not have a design view because it’s obsolete technology and has no more support of HTML5 tag and some css tags so it’s better to discard it. So now using sharepoint designer 2013 you can edit UI and change master page but with code, you can do a lot.

Tip: you can design Visio diagram and give life to that diagram by importing it into SharePoint designer 2013 and build business rule using SharePoint Designer 2013 with that diagram.

If you find something new in expression web so please comment and let us know.

A web designer can use Dreamweaver as  SharePoint WYSIWYG tool. because you can edit your header or navigation there and SharePoint designer can generate .master file against these html versions side by side.

Alternatives to sharepoint designer

As of now there is only solution if there is no design view and still want to design no-code forms then you left with one choice which is powerapp. It's a part of office 365 or you can download it from microsoft its name is powerapp studio which is used to design custom forms using lists in sharepoint.

Power app is sophisticated service from Microsoft to create manage custom business app across different platform. Power app can be used to develop workflow form, apps using sharepoint list you can do a lot in it.

Power app is a suite of app or collection of apps, services and data platform that help you design rapid app using it.you can hook up with your underlying data be its online or on-premises it will connect you and design app for using that data.

If you are dealing with online sharepoint or on-premises then power app will help you design business app using it..

you can browse our site to learn more about power app and microsoft workflow and form and automate your business processes.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Workflows are used for designing business processes, you design workflow based on document -means document centric  or sometimes complex human approval workflow using SharePoint, how people has been using workflows in SharePoint 2010 basically there is a old school of thought exist which is workflow engine starts automatically once you install SharePoint 2010, nothing special you need to do, and SharePoint stores all data in sql server related to workflow as a rule of thumb.

SharePoint 2013 has support of previous workflow -that model exist so using SharePoint 2010 platform you can start your work and that mechanism is available in SharePoint 2013, additionally you can design workflow based on new model this mechanism has a new concept called workflow manager - you need to install it separately this mechanism is not available when you install SharePoint 2013.

So basically there are two different procedure to design workflow, one- you can design workflow based on your previous mechanism as you have been designing using SharePoint 2010 we call it old procedure.

Understanding Workflow Manager:
 And second mechanism is new service you need to install it and you will see option showing you a platform to choose when you create a new workflow in SharePoint 2013 either based on SharePoint 2010 or newly introduced mechanism SharePoint 2013.
Windows workflow manager is new mechanism of authoring and hosting workflow in SharePoint 2013 newly introduced component you need to install it separately.
  • You can manage your activities using this mew concept.
  • You can do tracking and monitoring for workflow
  •  You can do workflow instance management and much more.
Workflow Development environment for SharePoint 2013:
Workflow development using the following for SharePoint 2013 are below:

You also can use Visual Studio 2012 to design workflow based on SharePoint 2013, as you can define here custom actions for workflows ,  another option you have vision 2013 to design workflow and then import them using SPD 2013 and start designing UI.
Infopath 2013 is another option for you people to design UI and then design workflow.

You can use SharePoint designer 2013 to deign end-end workflow you can give it a try after downloading and installing it then create SharePoint site using designer and start working with workflow.
Actions are object placeholder to represent activities and display them using SharePoint designer 2013, please review a  partial list of new actions available in SharePoint designer 2013 Workflow:

  • Assign a Task
  • Start a Task Process
  • Go to This Stage
  • Call HTTP Web Service
  • Start a List Workflow
  • Start a Site Workflow
  • Build DynamicValue
Above are example of available action for your workflow to start  with and design your workflow and use them in it.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Listing all your web pages available for users is easy you can do this by using any online tool that will convert your entire archive into html link listing that is called html sitemap -easy for any user to navigate through your site – but if you want all your web pages make available to search engine so it could crawl your site so then you need a xml sitemap.

Xml sitemap is type of sitemap used for webpages to register them for search engine, different types of sitemap  are there to entertain different content – video site map for video etc.

There are some other programs can be used for generating sitemaps online for your audience- you can write code for generating sitemap for your audience online.

There are different ways through  which you can intimate Google to crawl your site in the form of sitemap– one is mentioned above using xml sitemap as a file means you need to create xml file where you will list down all your web pages in that file and upload on your root web.

This can be achieved  by many online services available on internet – can facilitate you to create sitemap for your own site – and just upload that file.

If you have created sitemap in a format that is xml so you should be having the following URL:
Now you can tell Google this is sitemap.xml entry in robots.txt and and let Google crawl your all content.
Robots.txt is a file containing xml sitemap entries for Google and from then on Google reads that file.
Ideally this file can be uploaded in your root web or if you are using blogger blog so upload it there and check out the change in webmaster tool.

Know-how and difficulties of Multiple xml sitemap:
If you are familiar with Google Web Master tool and having only 26 listed url entries though you have more than humdreds posts so you can fix this issue now.

Basically sitemap are used to optimize sites if you have blog on blogger and have more than 100 posts or articles when you login Google webmaster area and you see only 26 pages are there and indexed too as you have more than 100 posts inside your blog but Google webmaster tool will show you only 26 entries.

How to create and submit xml sitemap:
If you are managing blog on blogger so you can create sitemap there too, just login your webmaster tool and click optimization and click add sitemap button and enter atom.xml  this is another format accepted by Google as sitemap – this is feed basically.
So finally you come up with creating a sitemap for blogger by just adding a parameter called atom.xml
You will probably face another problem when you will see only 26 pages are index after submitting this sitemap although you have more than 100 pages, so just type the following parameter to get all your pages listed and indexed.

Submitting xml sitemap for Blogger with more than 26 URL entries:

You are sure your posts are more than 100 and pages has been listed only 26 by Google so login Google webmaster tool area and add the following parameter or create a new sitemap as the following entry.
tip: Create a new xml sitemap inside your webmaster tool for your blogger blog and add the following parameter while adding a sitemap in Google webmaster.

Final site map entry should look like:

You are telling this to Google that you have 100 pages in your xml sitemap and please index them and now  if you have 200 pages so enter another sitemap starting from 101.

Final site map entry:

So remember these steps|:
  • Creating xml site map in Google webmaster
  • Submitting xml sitemap in Google Webmaster
As of now you are clear with the type of sitemaps:
  • Xml sitemap 
  • Atom.xml sitemap 
  • RSS 2.0 
RSS 2.0 another type of sitemap in the form of  feed which is easy to configure inside your blogger, it's one step configuration in blogger.

You also have very clear understanding - how to configure your sitemap in Google webmaster for more than 100 pages and indexed them too.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Millions lines of code always makes your application slow and messy specially if you are working on internet and designed and developed application using any technology but if you come across million lines of code with php so definitely you are in a fix now.
If you look at social sites or any web based application usually been written in PHP but when it goes on long routes then hurdle starts – mean more code then more hurdle  on web server and eventually scale out of web server more expense.

Your code written in PHP and  becoming more complex and business logic taking much time to process simple or complex functionality you also want to retain some of fantastic PHP features and on the other hand your application is becoming very slow- you need to find some solution for that.

PHP is a scripting language and easy to understand because it has resemblance with java and c++ even function variable declaration style all are same in all these  three platform.

What is HipHop for PHP:
Hiphop for php is a technology that describe number of other technologies inside in it including HPSPc, hphpi, HPHPD AND hhvm.  Technology is developed by Facebook to boost up their application performance. Now it's released as an open source so you could also use it and convert your slow application into fast application.

HipHop as open-source:
HipHop for PHP is open source project can be used by anyone has desire to boost up php application performance in other word , anyone having Facebook like application wanted to speed up the application performance – the choice would be HipHop for PHP.

You can work with your project and start scaling your application into c++ code and keep enjoying with PHP – this is the basic idea of this project.

Browse github site an check HipHop project only available for Ubuntu right now. You can find the installation procedure and the entire configuration details.

Friday, March 15, 2013

 If you come across with a situation when you see duplicate URL entries of your site pages on Google  search engine and you do not know how to fix them so here we have a rundown as to how you can fix them, basically these duplicate URLs could be from  your session url or archive pages.
In other words you can call them duplicate content url that exits in your own site in the form of your site url and date archive format and sometimes your site url and session entries and sometime the same url with different parameter in url showing the same content with different url entries in search engine you can track them by just typing a command on Google:

Site:yoursitname.com  and enter then you will see your site url entries with different parameters showing same pages.

If you are managing your blog with blogspot/blogger and creating post and side by side you see there are number of archive pages are being indexed against those new posts so search engine probably do not like these duplicate archive pages.
Blogger gives you option to remove those archive pages from Google index, basically you need to tell Google do not index them because these are the archive pages which are duplicate URL.

Fix the duplicate content URL entries from blogger:
If you are using old interface of blogspot/blogger then go to setting>> archive and set no archive and if you are using new interface of blogspot /blogger then you need to write some code and telling  Google not to index these archive pages which is pretty straight forward approach. you can write this code with the old interface as well - it's just a matter of code which is mentioned below - just copy code snippet and you past it in template.

Sample duplicate archive pages entries:
Some of sample pages are your url ending with date and archives or some special character like question mark etc.

To fix them just point your location to blogger template html section and find head> tag and add following code after head tag.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'>
<meta content='noindex,noarchive' name='robots'/>

This can happen with your own website where you see duplicate url of your session URL
Once you fix this issue then Google will show you exact  number of published post in its index.

Once Google bot will crawl your site then it will show you exact number of html of web pages or post no extra pages from your own site having same content.
you will see boost in ranking after this classic SEO fix.

Some other attributes you can use for noindex:
Following sample will prevent all cached linked to appear on MSN search result:
<meta name="msnbot" content="noindex">

If you claim you know SEO and on the other hand you do not know 3 things- Google Panda, Google Penguin and Matt Cutts, this means you are not familiar with SEO techniques, so we are going to tell you how you fix and cop up with the scenario where you are being affected by these 2 updates.
Either you dealing with small business or working with large vendors you need to know the strategies to be employed to handle such impact on your site so anyone could not loose ranking by these updates and understand how to improve Google ranking.

Here is rundown as to how you can take such measure so you business could not affect by penguin and panda.
Little background about  Panda and Penguin updates – these are two algo  update in  Google which can affect your website ranking in Organic search result.

Panda is algorithmic  change which will affect sites if site does not employ full information or site having low content. This has already been released by Google throughout U.S affecting 12%queries.

I want to know what is Penguin update:

Whereas penguin algo is going to focus on websites having content against Google webmaster guidelines which means site with keyword stuffing will be affected by this update.
If you are in link buying network so penguin is going to come at your door, if you have used keyword excessively then penguin is going to come to your home and let it build a natural profile of your website links otherwise penguin is going to visit your site your site will be out of the universe.
 Panda will affect the sites having content farm, high click bounce rate means people are visiting your site and going to other site and nobody have taken interest in your site and moved somewhere.
If your site have very little content then panda is going to give you lesson – very simple you will be pushed back and may not by found on Google search result.

Tips to improve ranking of sites affected by Panda or Penguin:

Do not worry if you are under serious attack by these update with the clean mindset just analyze your pages using a tool called Google analytics and check which pages has low page-views either you have written no value content or just update them with valuable content – the only solution to your problem.

Penguin 4 updates:
And last but not least Matt Cutts – if you do know anything about this person so you do not know SEO we call him a spider man of the Search world. So stay connected with him on social media and read his blog update as he announces anything so follow the instruction.
Matt Cutts has announced there is another update of algo called Penguin they probably call it Penguin 4- when it will be rolled out then will affect many website involved in spamming.

Penguin 4 may be releasing on Friday or Monday 2013 affecting many sites specially spammer sites so user could have better experience while searching with Google.

Please stay tuned to our site and browse your favorite content and leave your comments if you need any help.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It’s very cumbersome for people  to remember web addresses while browsing, solution to this problem was bookmark the site so next time when you want to visit the same resource just click the bookmarked entry,  but what if you want the same resources address in your office or somewhere else out side- again you have stored all web addresses  in your home’s browser so there was need of bookmarking that should be online or online bookmarking.
Then many organization started social bookmarking as well, but if you come across a Google product called Google bookmark is quite fascinating tough it’s not competing with other huge social book marking site but giving you a feature to store your bookmark on line so you access web addresses from anywhere where if you have stored them online.
Google has introduced a technology called Google bookmark not a new service by Google but ultimately can be used in sophisticated way.

Using Google toolbar for online bookmarking :

If you are using Google toolbar so you will find a button on toolbar "bookmarks" – this button will store your bookmark online – as you know this toolbar is available for IE - not available for latest Firefox browser so you can use this functionality using IE and you can add your favorite site online using Google bookmark, if you have already bookmark your site on your hard drive so can import all bookmark online using the same button click on Google Toolbar->> Bookmarks->> Import IE Favorites `from there follow the steps and define label for your online bookmarks you are done your all bookmarks are available on Google bookmark site.
Tip: you can drag all your bookmark online by just dragging all your off line bookmark onto Google bookmark online bookmark space.

Online Bookmarking with fun:

Just want a handy mechanism for storing all your favorite web addresses online just drag the following button(visit the site below) on your bookmark menu and drop it there, visit any site that you want to remember and store it in bookmark just click on that button name “Google bookmark” and provide your Google credentials and done – you are storing that web address online.

Bookmark button:

You have imported and store all your favorits sites online not on your hard drives using this technology.

Why you need Google bookmark online?

If your pc hit by any malware and you are unable to recover your favorites sites you had saved offline on your drive -  so your bookmark will be lost instead- if you have saved all your bookmark online using Google bookmark so you access your bookmark from any pc and from anywhere outside.

There are other bookmarking services online available and delicous and digg is a kind of social book marking sites example.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Google is not only the search giant but also been penetrating in others fields as you could see its product on black navigational bar once you browse Google.com and can navigate somewhere else and select other offered services from Google.

Google is making a move and testing a new navigational bar probably a rich matrix style  icon interface for users to view and navigate through them – this idea might be taken from chrome style navigation where you see matrix style icons displaying link on your right hand corner -so here you probably see such icon for Google product pointing you to the gmail, video and other Google product and it will be unfolded once you click on it.

Previous Experience of Google Navigation Bar:
Basically this navigational mechanism will take less space on screen and will show you more icons/links once you click on matrix style grey icon then the entire product line will show up and unfold the entire products on the same screen.

previously some people has been annoyed by representing other Google products in different style but I think Google has decided to represent the entire product line in sophisticated manner this time, and probably once they will finish its test phase then people will like it.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

If you want to do something more along with Adsense for content so you can consider something which is handy too but you need to understand  Google Custom site search product ,  before using it and adding it into your website for more revenue  specially called Google custom search Adsense  - a search mechanism or a search text box by Google once enabled just placed on your site for finding content - you don't need to write any functionality for finding pages uploaded on your site,

Implement  Google Custom Site Search:
Use this ready made fabric Google custom site search - it's easy to implement  just do some tweaking inside your custom search interface and you are done- before starting with AFS you need to enable this feature into your Adsense account interface, so lets do one thing first and login your Adsense account and click on myads link on top navigation- and then  on left hand side you will find navigation saying Google product search  inside your Adsense account area and choose search as product. Once you enable that then Adsense will send you an email confirming it to you are suppose to enable this feature with your Adsense account for one of the your websites.

Site Wide Search or Searching the entire glob:
You just confirm this email and login to Adsense account and point your location to myads and Adsense for search link on left navigation will be there click on it and provide name of the search engine - you will see two more option there - whether you want this search engine to search your entire site or entire web. If you want only your site then search engine will only search content inside your site.

Next step will ask you to define text box style - you can define what type of text box you want on your site - define its width  color etc and then define ad style on next step.

Keywords for relevant ad for AFS
You also can define keywords - this option tells you how relevant add could be displayed if you mention keywords, for example if you want ad related to Microsoft should be displayed with your search results then mention keyword Microsoft in this section.

AFS Integration with your website
After this configuration it will ask you to define how you want to display result on your web site - you can select one of the following options there.
  • Display result  in  same windows
  • Display results in new window
  • Display result on my own site using IFrame
If have some html background then you could go with the last option because you need to create that html page where you want to display search results and once you have created that then copy past the search engine code in that page.

Tips to add Adsense for code script into blogspot/blogger:
If you have setup your blog on blogspot then you could consider adding blank page in navigation area of you blogspot template- once you created a blank page then you just have to copy and past the search engine code and then publish that page and you are done with Google search text box in your blog with separate page option.

Before finishing and getting code of defined configuration of Adsense for search you remember few things.
  • In any case you are not allowed to per-populate Adsense for search box
  • Do not create links to AFS results.
  • Do not frame AFS results.
  • Do not remove or make change in Google logo.
If you have considered all above points so you are ready to fly with ready made custom search powered by Google. Grab Adsense search engine script  and past it into your website.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Adding author image in Google search result is super easy with blogspot
Now it's become super easy to add author information and image in Google search result to boost your site wide traffic, once you setup the author related information and your picture then you will see your picture along on Google search result with your profile.

For this - you need to create Google plus profile and  add your good photo, and then verify authoring of your content by associating it with your profile which is mentioned int the below procedure.

Recently I added image to the search result and I am using blogspot blog, it's easy to do few steps are given below. I think you also can setup your image in Google search result easily even if you are using different blogging platform.

If you are using Gmail email address then no issue you can go ahead with it.
  • Make sure you have e mail address on the same domain as www.sqlservermanagementstudio.net
  • Make sure you have all article published on this domain and which can identify you as author.

First verify your email address and visit the site to do it. Your email address will appear in contributor section of Google plus profile. Enter your email address and press verify button from contribution section of Google plus profile.

Syntax of the profile from your site should be like
Anchor tag href ="profile_url" ? rel=author anchor tag close
as a sample you can replace it with your one like :

Google Plus

You can add the above line in your blog head section in this case you will log in blogspot blog get the setting and then click html and you will get your template and get into the head section and copy past the link above.

This procedure is same if you are working with your own domain.
rel attribute of anchor tag is a mandatory to setup your picture in search result it tells Google here is my picture basically. Now it's time for testing.

If you have been through with the steps properly so you can check out the result on the fly.
click to check structured data is displaying in search result - type your URL and press preview button you will see your picture in the result below.


Once you are done with verifying email process from Google plus profile then you can check your picture is appearing in Google search result.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Everyone has this experience when you loose your valuable in public places, everyone has been facing various problems like this -  sometime you forget your phone in public places -  there was no way through which you could remember your valuables but now you can keep your belongings with you and no chance of loosing them by the help of technology.
If you have expensive iPhone or iPad so before there was no way to keep your eyes on these valuables but recently we just come across a device that will help you to track your iPhone or iPad and keep an eye on your valuable so you could not loose them.

That device is called hipkey it communicates via its application and when you move around and keep that device in your pocket and forget your valuables in public places or offices  like we discussed iPhone or iPad somewhere so that device will alarm once you turn it on with iPhone application.

There is a vice-verse mechanism either you keep your valuable in your pocket or hipkey in your pocket to keep an eye on your valuables.

You can turn child mode on to track your child in public places within specified range.  For other scenarios put hipkey in your briefcase or in bag and it will notify you if someone moves it away from you.
Idea is very simple you can not forget anything if you have placed hipkey with your valuables. hipkey mechanism is vice-verse and can be controlled via iPhone application so your iPhone will alarm once you turn it on with iPhone when someone is trying to move your belongings away.

Monday, January 28, 2013

 Microsoft has flagship product in its life cycle called Microsoft Office people has been quite familiar with this product and used to it in their office routine work. Microsoft windows OS is major Microsoft product and after that Microsoft office is major product of Microsoft.
Microsoft has planned to release office 2013 in beginning of 2013 which is sophisticated product so far.
It has support of touch devices like tablet which can sense user interface and can work with office 2013 easily. Office 2013 requires or supported os is windows 7, windows 2008 server , other version will be coming on different devices like tablet or windows mobile with metro style user interface which has feature of multi touch screen.

 You can go through with different file formats which are supported in office 2013 – have been mentioned below if you are working with different operating systems like windows server 2008 r2 r later.

Office 2013 supported number  files type including doc for word 97-2003, .docm which is word macro enabled document-  this file type is supported in office 2013, default .docx which is xml based format supported in office 2013, .dot File type is supported which is used for templates in word 97-2003 files.

You can create and open html files word 2013 where you can easily preserve text appearance of those files you also can edit and open pdf file in word 2013 easily and find text inside pdf using word 2013.
Rtf file type is supported in word 2013, you want to create a file that could display text across different system you can use this type we call it rtf – rich text format, and Xml file type are supported in word 2013

In excel 2013 number of file formats supported including csv files- which save as comma delimited format and you can import or export data using this format using excel 2013. This format is very important to understand and very much important to transport data from excel or into excel.
This format also stores document mac operating system also.
Dbase iii and v user can open their database in excel 2013 easily and make different query on data and generate different reports even you can import data from dbaseiii or v and run pivot table feature on it to make complex report.

 Pdf document is supported in excel 2013 and you can easily open any pdf document in excel 2013.
Xlm excel macro, xml format are supported in excel 2013.
What Excel 2013 not supports:
Excel 2013 does not support any chart designed in excel 2.0 or 2.x or 3.0.
Microsoft work is not supported so any file created in Microsoft works will not be supported.

Dbase ii file format is not supported in office 2013, Quattro pro for dos and Quattro pro for windows file is supported in excel 2013.
Compatible file formats in power point 2013:
.bmp is supported as usual, gif and jpg supported format in power point 2013.
MP4 a video format is supported in power point 2013 – any video can be embedded and that file is supported in power point 2013.
.PDG and .PDF supported file format as usual including .pot which is power point template and is  supported file format in 2013.
.Pptm which stores macro- is supported in pp2013, pptx and .ppam also supported formats.
.Xml and .xps also supported as usual in 2013.

What file types are not supported in power point 2013:
Web page html file is not supported in power point and ppx pack and go wizard file is not supported in power point 2013.

Please stay connected to the site to know more about Office 2013.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Facebook has newly launched another tool for finding content with different style called Facebook graph search. This functionality is in beta version and offered to U.S audience only and gradually it will be opened to the entire world as per invite – you can sign up to get this functionality working as you will be lined up to be given this feature in your Facebook world.

Your privacy choices will determine what content can be searchable on Facebook graph search.
You can find content you have shared them  with your friends so that can be  searchable using Facebook graph search tool as you know you can find places, people and things using  Facebook graph search tool easily.

 You can easily find photos where you were tagged with your friends or you have uploaded by just typing single query.
If you want to see listing of hotel where your family visited last year so you can use this graph tool – it will give you entire listing of hotels in New York where your family visited last year.

Another example is you probably have uploaded or liked thousands of pictures on Facebook, but technically there was no mechanism to find out those pictures before, but now you can just find those pictures on your fingertips like you just type the following query in the search box and you will find the picture listing in a matrix style picture boxes.
Sample query in Facebook graph search text box:
Photos I like

Another example if you want know about the people who like cycling you can type the following to get the result using Facebook graph search

Sample query for Facebook graph search:
People who like Boating
You will probably see result of people who shared information with you and they like Boating.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Facebook is fastest growing social networking site in the world, and additionally it took the least time to reach 50 million of audience – internet has taken 4 years to reach 50 million audience and Facebook took 2 years to reach 50 million of audience.

Technically if you find a friend on Facebook and try to send message so that message will probably go into others folder as per Facebook spam filter policy,
Facebook  has been testing a feature that  looks quite interesting to send message to anyone’s inbox, now strangers can send message to Zuck – yes ,  this time your message will be seen by ceo of Facebook  and message will be dropped in his inbox folder.

If you want to approach any company’s ceo for job or any famous personality so you can approach them just send them a message straight to their inbox but there is cost involve in this practice.

This sounds excellent if you are looking for a job or you have seen some speaker in a giant technology event or you want to engage IBM ceo somehow so you can send a message using this feature but there is a cost you need to pay for this activity – and that message will be dropped in their inbox folder and you can communicate directly with them but cost may be vary as per Facebook profile but we are sure it’s starting from $1.