Technology Tips -Microsoft
Showing posts with label Microsoft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Microsoft. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2020

A network of connected objects be it a car, smartphone, camera or device or sensor – can communicate with other electronic devices to send and receive data called IoT.
what Internet network is that you are connected with all computer with each other, in mobile networks you can connect with another smartphone- but this internet of thing is actually an object of network connected with sensors etc and can connect with other objects that can include sensors or other devices can communicate with each other and all these sensors can transport data and actually can talk with each other.

How IoT works with Example:

A network of physical object or sensors network example includes google speaker, smart tv, c cooking appliances can communicate and understand your commands
This means that we are moving from traditional devices like mobile phone tablet to other sensors like temperature devices.

So once these sensors are communicating with other devices so must be transmitting data somewhere so it could be a process so that area is called services in this connectivity. typically it could be on the cloud.

IoT Summary:

In many fields it can be applied if you implement this IoT in manufacturing like car operation section then traditionally there are the different mechanism to start and stop production line for the purpose.
But understand that there is no replacement of humans even if you automate the entire production procedure using IOT technology in any operation procedure.

For example, you have a manufacturing production procedure where any error occurs then red led bulb lights up and halt the operation so nothing could go wrong any further.

So ideally a solution can contain a IOT device where the supervisor is not in the operation line then how he will know the production line has any super issue, so IOT can solve such issues as well, where the error occurs on the production line like your computer is connected with the raspberry pi and a sensor when something goes wrong employee attending activity can press a button connected with raspberry pi interface which is connected with your usb port as it required services layer to transport data – so finally this solution can halt the operation due to error issue and can also send SMS using IoT on your smartphone informing line manager asking him to take action.

What are security concerns related to IoT

Because any IOT solution or your IOT device communicating with sensors so it will not be done via TCP/IP so we can assume it’s not vulnerable or anyone can hack your IoT device or sensor and breach it so this is just close to impossible in solution based on IoT.

  • For this entire solution to be working you need azure services for IoT, raspberry pi, IOT kit, and of course a computer connected with your solution.
  • In this typical example, all devices and sensors connected to each other and there is no need for the internet to transport data among these devices.

Hope this might help you to understand IoT - please stay connected with this site to learn more about IoT in detail.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

People has been using different cloud services for storing files on Internet but if you look at the space so many vendors may be charging for up to specified size like if you store files on cloud so probably some vendor would like to give you some free space but after some space they will charge you for extra space .
Microsoft released cloud service called Microsoft Skydrive becoming more popular because of its free space offering, we have found this as a fantastic service on Internet and free for up to 25 GB for limited time but 7 GB is free– this is the largest free space we have seen so far on cloud.

And Microsoft has made another move and released application –if installed – will give you very handy mechanism for sync your files from your desktop to cloud computing mechanism called Microsoft skydrive.
It’s easy to install after installing it on our notebook we found this application is more like a folder on your desktop which can be used for you to store your all Microsoft docs, excel sheets and power point presentation on cloud by just selecting it from your windows tray panel and dropping them in this folder and sync will be done automatically.

You also can do little tweaking to specify any other folder and then map that drive too, if you have mac os or ios enabled device so changes will be sync in all those folder too.

If you install skydrive application so your experience will be a fun on cloud, and if you want to use its Skydrive API so you can do it and integrate your sharepoint document library with Microsoft skydrive using Skydrive API. So ideally you should be able to store your document instead of sharepoint document library but you will store them on cloud.

We have seen few gadgets for skydrive – if you use it so you can just have option inside outlook that will help you to manage your files and you can add files using this gadget and include them in your email message using outlook.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

 Touch screen is the most famous mechanism for operating smartphone, tablet and other devices even pc’s. This mechanism is more popular in games and driving more demand of touch screen in other devices – but if you want to control device through your voice and body gestures then there is another device called Microsoft Kinect.

Basic idea behind this is – you are going to control your computer through your voice- a device can understand your gesture and your voice as you perform in front of the device sensor.

It has feature of face recognition and skeletal tracking in real time as you move along, it can recognize two object(human face) within specified range.

 There are two different flavor to work with the device – one is for game console – and other one is for windows pc's- here you will see more ideas about how you can use it with pc's –means you will buy  Kinect for Windows sensor device if you want to build application for your business.

You can use Kinect for businesses – if you have retail store and want to track how people are interacting with your product and so you can do this by Kinect – and finally you will come up with the idea how many people has visited and seen which product and shown interest in them. You can do programming using Kinect SDK for windows pc's  and then you will be able to do such stuff.

You can design gesture based  or body movement based application and use it in diversified sector including healthcare to interact with the patient .

As you know Kinect for windows  can understand human movement  including skeletal and facial recognition and can understand your voice and recognize it,  so this means you can write application using Kinect SDK  which will understand and interpret your  command and execute them if you want to press button so don’t just press them just say it – because Kinect can understand and recognize your voice.

And then on this SDK could be easily used in your businesses – like we discussed earlier retail, healthcare and in other domain.

What you need in order to develop such application that could understand your command and execute them are following:

  •     Kinect device to detect your body movement and recognition of your voice.

  •     Kinect SDK for windows for developing application that could understand your voice and gesture.

Kinect in Education Sector:
Device is called Kinect released by Microsoft for motion detection for human, another idea of using Kinect SDK is to develop application that could understand your  voice if you are in class start clapping so your lecture will start and computer can display presentation based on your clapping sound and stop presentation if you clap again.

If you really want to capture human action and execute commands against those actions so you need to write a program using Kinect SDK and with Computer, windows  and visual studio and Kinect sensor device – connect it to your pc via USB cable.

How to start working with Microsoft Kinect for Windows:
You need to have Microsoft Kinect SDK and its hardware sensor and that is all.
Near Mode is a term used with Microsoft Kinect that can understand object from 40 centimeter.
Microsoft Kinect device can work with any pc's running Windows 7, this device can start sensing object and can receive and execute commands accordingly. Its SDK license is free for anyone- use its SDK and API for different functionality and you need to purchase Microsoft Kinect device only and then done.
Kinect SDK can be used to track anyone’s body movement and execute commands against those actions.

How to make program using Microsoft Kinect device:
If you are developer and want to use Microsoft Kinect SDK you need a pc with windows or Windows embedded standard 7 and visual studio 2010 and Microsoft Kinect SDK and finally you need to purchase a Kinect device – then probably you will be able to make any type of body tracking or speech recognition application using it.
Possibly you can make a program that can understand your voice to move screen pages and much more using its Microsoft Kinect SDK.

Please comment if you have any other idea of using Microsoft Kinect for windows.

Updated released.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Microsoft operating system has been supported by intel and AMD processor from the day one but this time Microsoft has supported another processor called ARM with its new operating system Microsoft windows 8 will be shipped with metro style where you can have touch screen feature too and you may find and listen music under one roof.
ARM chip-set has been used in various mobiles phones, this processor's chip can also be used in other devices. Nowadays ARM architecture is supported by Android which is a famous OS by many smartphones.
If you want to know how many other devices are supported by ARM so they are Amazon Kindle, various smartphones by Acer, ASUS products, various BenQ products, different navigation devices used for pointing location are supported by ARM technology, different versions of blackberry devices are supported by ARM, different version of Motorola and Nokia are supported by ARM architecture.
Microsoft has released a developer preview version of windows 8 which is being tested as well official may be released by the end of fourth quarter of 2012- we believe public beta of Microsoft windows 8 will be available in start feb 2012.
Metro style screen is new type of screen where there is no start button to navigate through but all icons on screen are available as action command.
Microsoft probably add few more feature including bootable USB 3.0 support without loading drive just plug in USB to login. Microsoft is going to support css3 and HTML5 for better web experience with windows 8

Friday, January 6, 2012

If you want to understand what is windows phone so we can help you out there, so windows phone is a mobile operating system developed by giant Microsoft for different mobile devices.
Currently there are number of devices supported by windows phone including HTC, DELL, SAMSUNG etc. If you have such devices then you can enjoy with windows phone and use many Microsoft software with that and all features are quite impressive that we have seen so far.

You can use IE for your browsing session, and calendar and people contact and email, you can use office mobile option and use Microsoft one-not there using your windows mobile phone.
There is an option for people who wants to know “what’s that song” quite interesting feature just play a song and then press search will tell you who is the artist and where you can buy this song, you just need to press search button on you mobile and press music button to know all this.
You can find something while speaking let’s say you want to know “what is Microsoft sharepoint” just say this on your windows phone and done, the rest will fetched from search option and will display you the answers down the line.

In this process whenever you need anything related to updated software from Microsoft mobile update site so they always notify you and you get updated version of your software but now Microsoft has changed decision and discarding software updates site for windows phone where you get notification about update software and new updates will be available for those who will request it.

By the way this option was quite helpful for people who were just using windows phone and all the time whenever new information or updated software information is available so Microsoft notifies mobile users by a dialog box but now people will not be able to see such notification in future.

Hope this was quite helpful for you please stay connected to get more.